Award-Winning Legal Representation
St. Charles Citizenship and Naturalization Attorney
Let Smith Law Offices, LLC Guide You Through This Process.
As a lawful permanent resident here in the U.S. or a green card holder, you may qualify for naturalization or citizenship. If it is your goal to become a U.S. citizen and enjoy the benefits this status confers, you can rely on our legal team to represent you in this endeavor. We assist clients with every aspect of application process for citizenship and naturalization.
At Smith Law Offices, LLC, we have seen numerous individuals granted with citizenship as a result of our legal assistance. It is our desire to see families reunited and for individuals to achieve the goals as U.S. citizens. The processes for either of these options can be quite complicated and are best navigated by a St. Charles immigration attorney.
Let us help you obtain the future you desire – call for your consultation!
Eligibility for Citizenship or Naturalization
Typically, qualifying for naturalization means you must meet these requirements:
- You must be a lawful permanent resident, holding that status between three or five years depending on how you obtained lawful permanent resident status
- You must be at least 18 years old
- You must show that you can speak, write, read, and understand English
- You must be able to pass a test of U.S. history and U.S. government
- You must have resided in the United States for specific periods of time
You may already be a citizen:
- There are some instances where you may have automatically acquired citizenship at the time you were born or derived citizenship at some point in time
- If you are an adopted child of a U.S. citizen or have a parent who naturalized to become a U.S. citizen when you were a child, you may qualify for a certificate of citizenship
Contact our offices for a full review of your family’s immigration history to determine if you are already a citizen and just require the paperwork to prove it.
Experienced and Caring Immigration Lawyers
When you become a citizen of this country, your status is protected under nationality and immigration laws, providing you with a certain peace of mind. After becoming a U.S. citizen you would also enjoy the right to vote, the right to petition for a variety of family members to come to the United States and generally never have to worry about facing removal in the future.
We have over 50 years of combined experience helping individuals navigate the complicated naturalization and citizenship processes. Our family-run firm is dedicated to helping individuals and families become United States citizens.
To learn more about how our immigration lawyers can help, please call us now at (636) 400-1177 or use our quick and easy online contact form.

Well Respected by Colleagues
Family-Run & Locally Owned Law Firm
Award-Winning Legal Representation
We Speak Spanish, French & Russian
Providing One-On-One Attention
More Than 50 Years of Combined Legal Experience
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