Award-Winning Legal Representation
St. Charles Criminal Defense Lawyer
We Will Aggressively Advocate for Your Rights
The possibility of a criminal conviction is often alarming and serious. If convicted of a crime, you could face time in prison, pay fines, or go on probation. Additionally, a conviction can stay on your record for years and make it difficult to find employment or education. The experienced attorneys at Smith Law Offices, LLC can help you create a strong defense strategy. Our St. Charles legal team offers sound counsel and advocacy for all our clients.
To get started on your case, call our office at (636) 400-1177 today!
Our Attorneys Will Fight for You
When someone accuses another person of a crime, the accused is often encouraged to seek counsel from an attorney. Our St. Charles criminal defense lawyers will work with you to quickly think up a legal strategy. We understand the severity of this type of accusation and will do everything we can to ease your emotional stress.
We can help defend our clients facing the following charges:
DWI: People caught driving a vehicle under the influence of alcohol or controlled substances face serious legal ramifications such as license revocation, fines, and even jail time.
Traffic Offenses: While seemingly minor, traffic violations can have negative side effects on your life. If found guilty of a traffic violation, your insurance company may increase your payments or you could pay hefty fines to the court.
Possession of Drugs & Paraphernalia: Depending on the type or amount of drugs you are found with, you could face a misdemeanor or felony charge.
Theft: Taking an item that does not belong to you with the intention of permanently denying the rightful owner of the item is theft. The amount of stolen property combined with it's worth have a great impact on whether you are charged with a misdemeanor or felony theft.
Assault: Physically harming or touching another person without consent are crimes of assault. Depending on the severity of the action, you could face probation or time in prison for this action.
And more: For a complete list of our criminal defense practice areas, call our firm today.
Offering Sound Legal Counsel
At Smith Law Offices, LLC, our St. Charles criminal defense attorneys are here for you. We have over 50 years of combined legal experience and will aggressively fight for your best interests.
Contact our firm online or call us at (636) 400-1177 for your case evaluation.

Well Respected by Colleagues
Family-Run & Locally Owned Law Firm
Award-Winning Legal Representation
We Speak Spanish, French & Russian
Providing One-On-One Attention
More Than 50 Years of Combined Legal Experience
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